ATH Youth

Youth passionate and on fire for Jesus to become disciple-makers in this world.


We are the 6th – 12th grade ministry of Angelus Temple Hispanic, dedicated to serving, equipping, and empowering the next generation. Our youth ministry welcomes middle and high school students to encounter the transformative presence, power, and love of Jesus. Through the Word, Worship, Prayer, and Fellowship, we gather to pursue Jesus and help each student discover their God-given identity and calling as disciple-makers in the world.


Romans 12:11 TPT

Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward Him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let Him fill you with excitement as you serve Him.

Horario de servicios

  • Wednessday
    7:00 PM


Calling all middle + high school students!

We want to invite you every Wednesday at 7pm to join us for a youth service filled with worship, the word and awesome fellowship—encounter Jesus and make new friends. We hope to see you soon!

Angelus Temple

“Se parte de los ministerios de la iglesia!
Los ministerios te ayudan a conocer mas de la familia
de la Iglesia a la que ahora eres parte!”

Horas De Servicios

Miercoles 7:00PM
Domingos 9AM, 11AM & 6PM

Angelus Temple

“Se parte de los ministerios de la iglesia!
Los ministerios te ayudan a conocer mas de la familia
de la Iglesia a la que ahora eres parte!”

Horas De Servicios

Miercoles 7:00PM
Domingos 11:00AM & 6:00PM